Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Navigon 2100 max 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Text-to-Speech, Lifetime Traffic, and 2 Years of FreshMaps (Special Bundle) Review

Navigon 2100 max 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Text-to-Speech, Lifetime Traffic, and 2 Years of FreshMaps (Special Bundle)I just got this Navigon for my wife because the Tom Tom one she had broke down. So I wanted something new that has a nice look and work efficiently.
Well this Navigon 2100max does it all. The glossy and thin look will make you think you got something very expensive when I actually paid for a very low price! The LCD screen is big enough, the map graphics and colors are excellent! Very smooth and fast! You won't have to wait for 1 min or 2 for a GPS signal! It even shows you the name of the restaurants as you are driving down the road, it shows real fast food and gas station logos. The turn to turn direction is 100% accurate unlike other GPS telling you to turn when you aren't even there yet. This machine will show you the speed limit on any road and will warn you when you go way over the speed limit, will even tell you about upcoming traffic jam and change route for you. I don't even want to mention about Exit guide! This thing can tell you what kind of restaurant or gas station or if there is a rest area in the next exit when you are on the freeway! What else can you ask! Get your money's worth with the Navigon 2100max. You will also get free update maps for 2 or 3 years! I just got another one for my sister in law and about to buy a 3rd one! Also one more thing for business people, this Navigon can log your business trip mileage! Very good for taxes purpose! I have said enough ! There are a lot more to it but I will let you guys discover it!
Nick ;)
See more reviews about: Navigon 2100 max 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Text-to-Speech, Lifetime Traffic, and 2 Years of FreshMaps (Special Bundle)

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